Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies
Monday 30 June - Tuesday 1 July 2025
Old Divinity School, St John's College, University of Cambridge
If you have a question about BRAIS 2025 which is not addressed below, please contact us on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Q: Where is BRAIS 2025 taking place?
A: BRAIS 2025 will be hosted by the the University of Cambridge in the historic surroundings of the Old Divinity School, St John's College. Find the venue HERE.
Q) How do I submit an abstract or a panel proposal for BRAIS 2025?
A) Please see our CALL FOR PAPERS for all the information you need to submit your abstract/panel proposal.
Q) Can my abstract/panel proposal be in any language?
A) No. Submissions must be in English. Submissions in other languages will not be considered.
Q: Are there any topics within Islamic studies that the reviewing panel will not accept abstracts on?
A: No. All abstracts will be reviewed and decisions made based on the academic merits of the proposed paper/panel
Q: Do you accept abstracts from undergraduate or Masters students?
A: Only abstracts from PhD students in their second year of study or later will be accepted. However, we will accept abstracts from those with specialist expertise or qualifications from beyond the academic system (religious leaders, museum curators etc).
Q: How long should my paper last?
A: Papers on panels with four presenters should last no more than 15 minutes. Papers on panels with three presenters should last no more than 20 minutes.
Q: Will BRAIS be publishing abstracts, either on paper or online?
A: Yes, abstracts will be published online one month prior to the conference.
Q: Can we submit an abstract as co-authors?
A: Yes, but normally only one author will be invited to present the paper at the conference.
Q: Should I send my CV as well as my abstract?
A: No, please do not send CVs as additional attachments. The form through which you submitted you paper/panel proposal asks you for all the information we need about you.
Q: Are we expected to submit our paper in advance, to share it without fellow panelists or to circulate it after the conference?
A: No. You may wish to do so, but it is not a requirement for participating in the conference.
Q: How many people should be in a panel? Is there a minimum or maximum?
A: The ideal pre-proposed panel should consist of four papers with one member of the panel acting as Panel Chair. Panels of three papers may be submitted but the reviewing committee may use their discretion to add a fourth person to any pre-proposed panel should they find a suitable abstract.
Q: When will I find out if my abstract has been accepted?
A: The deadline for BRAIS 2025 abstract submissions is Sunday 5 January 2025. Reviewing all abstracts and drafting the programme is a lengthy process, but we hope to inform all applicants of our decision within 6 weeks of the deadline. This includes applicants whose abstracts are on the reserve list.
Q: What should I consider in preparing my paper?
- Make one new argument, not more. Be concise and to the point.
- Write the paper as an oral communication. Signpost to help listeners follow the argument.
- Practice the paper to make sure it is clear and coherent and stays well within the time limit (15 minutes for a paper on a four presenter panel).
- PowerPoint presentation facilities will be available. With PowerPoint, less is more. Make sure the font size is easily visible (at least size 26) and the layout is simple and logical. Also, make sure your visual presentation supports your oral presentation, not detracts from it. Avoid overloading slides with excessive information.
For further guidance on conference presentations, see:
James Gelvin, ‘Preparing and Delivering Conference Papers’
Mary E. Hunt, ‘Be Brief, Be Witty, Be Seated’
Devin Stewart, ‘Suggestions for Presenting a Conference Paper at IQSA’
Julie J. Kilmer, ‘Student Guide to Presenting at the AAR’
Q: How do I register as a delegate for BRAIS 2025?
A: Delegates will be able to register online from late February 2025.
Q) How much will BRAIS cost to attend?
A) We are still agreeing costs with our host institution, but we anticipate BRAIS 2025 delegate fees being very similar to last year's conference. To see last year's delegate fees, click HERE.
Q) If I am presenting a paper at BRAIS 2025, do I need to pay delegate fees?
A) Yes. Presenters must register for BRAIS and pay the required delegate fees.
Q) Can BRAIS offer financial support to help me attend BRAIS 2025?
A) BRAIS offers student bursaries for UK-based PhD students whose papers have been accepted as part of the conference programme. Unfortunately, we are not in a position to offer financial support to non-student presenters.
Q: If my abstract is accepted, will I have to become a member of BRAIS in order to present my paper at the conference?
A: We would expect all those who are giving papers at the conference to be members of BRAIS but will not insist on this. Remember, BRAIS members receive significant discounts on conference delegate fees.
Q: Can the conference registration payment be made by invoice or must a credit card be used?
A: Payment should be made online using a credit or debit card. We cannot issue invoices, but payment by bank transfer is possible by request.
Q: Is accommodation available for conference delegates?
A: BRAIS will not be offering accommodation options for BRAIS 2025. However, we will be publishing guidance on local accommodation in early 2025.
Q: What happens if I have registered but can no longer attend the conference? Can I get a refund?
A: If this happens to you, please contact us as soon as possible: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. BRAIS can refund delegates up to two weeks before the start of the conference (Monday 16 June 2025). After this date, no refunds will be possible.
Q: I will be using a Powerpoint when giving my paper. Do I need to submit this in advance?
A: No. If you are giving a paper at the conference and will be using Powerpoint, please bring your presentation with you on a memory stick. The university technicians will not be able to assist with private laptops. All the machines will be PCs.
Q: I am chairing a panel. What should the panel format be?
A: As Chair, you will need to introduce each speaker, providing their name, institutional affiliation and paper title. You will then need to keep strict time in the interest of fairness to all presenters and the audience. Each panel session is 90 minutes. The presentation time allocated for each paper on a four presenter panel is therefore 15 minutes. Papers on panels with three presenters may run to 20 minutes. We recommend that papers be presented together in the first 60 minutes, leaving 30 minutes for discussion with the audience at the end. This ensures that all presenters receive their full allocation of time to present before turning to audience questions, and it facilitates integrative discussion across the papers.
Q: Will there be WiFi access?
A: Wifi will be available throughout the venue. Instructions on how to join the Wifi network will be found in your delegate pack.
Q: Will there be a prayer room available during the conference?
A: Yes. A multi-faith prayer room will be available throughout the conference.
Q: How much does it cost to become a member of BRAIS?
A: For membership costs, please see HERE.
Q: Do you offer any financial assistance to students whose abstracts are accepted? (i.e. travel, fee waiver, accommodation etc)
A: PhD students whose papers have been accepted are eligible to apply for conference bursaries. Further information on bursaries will be sent to all those whose papers are selected for the final programme.
Q: Do you provide any assistance with obtaining a visa to attend the conference?
A: For candidates whose abstracts have been selected and who happen to reside outside the EU, please write to us stating that you require a formal letter of invitation for obtaining a visa: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Q: Once the conference is over, can you provide individuals with a certificate of attendance/participation? Is there a charge for this service?
A: Yes. In order to obtain the certificate, please write to the BRAIS Administrator on the above email address, clearly stating your name and the title of the paper which you presented. The certificate may take a couple of weeks to produce but there is no fee for this service.
Q: Are there any plans to publish conference proceedings after the conference?
A: At this stage there are no plans to publish proceedings from the conference, but this is certainly something which may be considered in future years.
Q: I am not currently affiliated to any higher or further education institution. Can I still submit an abstract?
A: Yes, absolutely. We very much welcome abstracts from independent scholars.